Computer Consulting, System Design & Installation - Computer Consulting is our business. Discuss your needs with us and we will design a most reasonably priced, dependable computer system for your small to medium size business, your church or non-profit. We will supply and install a single computer or purpose designed computer system equipment, ensuring that the final outcome meets all your requirements. User training is available with all purchases. We guarantee our work.


Networking and Servers - Any office with more than one computer can benefit from the use of networking to a server computer that holds all common data files, enables sharing of application software and peripherals such as printers. We would be happy to evaluate your circumstances to see how networking could improve your office operation efficiency and data security.

Ut sed egestas, volutpat.

“Pellentesque vel mattis turpis. Etiam tristique posuere sapien at mattis. Praesent feugiat pulvinar justo id varius. Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante.”

— J.A.

Maecenas vehicula tortor!

“Etiam tristique posuere sapien at mattis. Praesent feugiat pulvinar justo id varius. Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.”

— L.K.

Sed maximus vel velit ac rutrum.

“Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. Pellentesque vel mattis turpis.”

— J.Y.